neath luna

Author: admin

  • Why I hate 80s music, Pt. 3

    … and I realize I haven’t fulfilled the promise of the title, or not really (fully?). Surely part of the problem is that I’m referring to a particular stream of popular music from the 1980s, and I note — with a small internal squish of shame at having perhaps further strayed from my purpose —…

  • Why I hate 80s music, Pt. 2

    [In Part 1 I didn’t mention any specific songs from the 1980s, so let me first say that the song which probably brings that time surging back more than any other is Steve Winwood’s “While You See a Chance.” I hear it and immediately flash back to driving around midwestern cornfields under a huge moon…

  • Why I hate 80s music, Pt. 1

    I don’t, really (hate 80s music), and certainly not in a “blanket” fashion — but hearing the songs from that decade often makes me sad in ways that … well, when it happens I don’t wind up in pleasant states at all, and wish I hadn’t heard whatever song it was that sent me there.…

  • Looks aren’t everything

    As must be obvious to you1, I still have not taken the time to make WordPress do what I want it to do — at least in terms of making this blog/site/thing look like it was designed by intention rather than by a person who fiddled around for about an hour and then gave up.…

  • Don’t open that bin!

    Things … happen when you open the storage bin containing most of your calculator collection. I mean … everyone … has a calculator collection … right? *Cough*. I wrote “most of” because obviously, a few of the calculators currently have batteries in them and are in residence either 1) on the bed, intermingled with the…

  • My Neighbor, Debbie the Cenobite

    No, the title has no basis in what is commonly termed ‘reality.’ You also did not ask me for a review, more or less, of the new Hellraiser movie … but that is what I’ve been thinking about, and that’s where that title came from. I won’t even claim that implicit in the title is…

  • So

    I’m not going to comment on the recent political storms … it’s not that I don’t have opinions, it’s just that I suspect you don’t give a fuck what my opinions are. Instead of reacting in any constructive way to recent news, I started listening to Caroliner. Because the only possible response to this country…

  • My book collection did this to me

    The title alludes to the purported last words of San Francisco poet Jack Spicer (replace “book collection” with “vocabulary” to retrieve the last words). Mallarme (another one of them poets) famously said “everything in the world exists to end up as a book,” and he perhaps even more famously tried to write that very book,…

  • That vaguely smart guy over there

    I draw a metaphorical ring around myself and what’s inside is … the phrase in the title. Perhaps. I seem to be having something of an identity crisis: as a committed “JOAT” (Jack Of All Trades) I realize that I’ve never gone far enough in to anything to finally feel comfortable being considered, well, that…

  • What is life all about?

    At 60, I have found myself with a bit more money than I’d grown accustomed to expecting. This is, unfortunately, due to a couple of deaths in my immediate family. Because I have so little experience of dealing with money, I decided last year to hire a financial advisor. One of the things that that…