neath luna

Category: Technology

  • Looks aren’t everything

    As must be obvious to you1, I still have not taken the time to make WordPress do what I want it to do — at least in terms of making this blog/site/thing look like it was designed by intention rather than by a person who fiddled around for about an hour and then gave up.…

  • Don’t open that bin!

    Things … happen when you open the storage bin containing most of your calculator collection. I mean … everyone … has a calculator collection … right? *Cough*. I wrote “most of” because obviously, a few of the calculators currently have batteries in them and are in residence either 1) on the bed, intermingled with the…

  • Completely fcuking tired of the Internet

    For a long time I’ve used an acronym, PRE, to encapsulate my sense of humanity’s relationship with the greater world: People Ruin Everything. If you are old enough, you may remember the excitement of the early Internet days (understood here is a sort of ‘general use’ sense of the ‘net: if I were being scrupulously…

  • Yes, You’re Evil

    This morning I was unable to stem the tide of bile rising in my throat out of loathing for Google: its crap Chrome browser recently (for reasons I’m not interested enough to pursue — so, yes, maybe something stupid I happened to have done) started insisting I use a profile, and since I am squashed…